July, 2013

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Anti-perspirant deodorants and your health

Now that it’s summertime many of us might start thinking about wearing deodorants more often to compensate for the unclean feeling we feel when we sweat. However, how safe are these products? The European Union has strict regulations for allowing or not cosmetics to be used in the continent. However, there is this scare over the internet that anti-perspirant deodorants containing aluminum and zirconium could lead to health problems such as sensitive skin and breast cancer.

In the UK there are many brands of deodorants that have these ingredients. Before you buy your next deodorant bottle, you might want to check whether your usual brand contains one or both of those ingredients. At the moment, there is not enough research to prove that these ingredients might be very harmful to the body. However, people should use their own judgement and be aware that these ingredients might be factors that might lead to health problems in the future.

If you do not want to risk it, there are alternatives to anti-perspirant deodorants. However, the problem is they might not be as effective to remove or cancel out the smell as anti-perspirant. In any case, the choices range from deodorants without aluminium or zirconium to home remedies such as baking soda and lemon. Another alternative could be applying baby powder. These remedies also work for people with very sensitive skin.

Inasmuch as there is not enough evidence to say whether these products are indeed harmful, it may be best to use anti-perspirant deodorants sporadically maybe just for events or gatherings. This might prevent worrying about the issue. It might also help our body to not get used to a product that, in the end, does contain loads of many different chemicals.

Feel free to read more about this subject if you are still concerned.

What are the most common skin problems?

Below is a list of the most common skin disorders. Before you start questioning whether you are suffering from any of the conditions below, please be advised that a full consultation with a specialist, such a dermatologist, is needed in order to properly diagnose your problem.

In any case, we thought this list could be helpful to our readers so here we go.

ACNE –acne is a skin condition that affects many teenagers and 5% of women and 1% of men over 25. Many already know what it looks like: red facial pimples that are located in the face, and whiteheads and blackheads. Acne is usually caused by too much sebum that blocks the skin pores and allows bacteria to infect the area. It is known that hormone levels can affect the appearance or disappearance of acne.

ECZEMA –dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin due to a contact with a specific substance. Eczema is the name for this specific type of dermatitis that manifests itself after a contact with a certain substance. It can develop after having touched an irritant or a substance you might be particularly allergic to. The skin might be red, inflamed or dry due to the condition and, in worst cases, blisters might appear.

WART –a wart looks like a solid blister. They are caused by an infection of viral nature. One of the most common viruses that cause this condition is a certain type of human papillomavirus (HPV). There exists different types of warts. Warts are contagious through skin-to-skin contact. Specific type of warts that develop on pressure points of the feet are called verrucas.

COLD SORE –cold sores are red blisters that might appear around the mouth or in other areas of the face. The main cause of cold sore is the virus herpes simplex type 1. Antiviral medication might help with an outbreak, but unfortunately there is no cure for cold sores at the moment.

PSORIASIS –psoriasis is a chronic skin condition. It looks like white chipped skin on top of a red area. It is a genetic condition whereby the process of formation of new skin is speeded up. However, once the tissue on top dies, the skin on the bottom is not completely ready yet and this causes inflammation. Most people that suffer from this skin condition also notice that certain elements prompt psoriasis to occur. Triggers can be skin accidents, smoking or stress.

For more information on these skin conditions, or to find out more, visit: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/skin/Pages/Commonconditions.aspx